Natural and Physical Science

Natural and Physical Sciences Course Offerings

Living in today’s world, dominated by advances in science and technology, requires that all students develop an intellectual base in the sciences and an ability to think critically. Students must be able to assimilate new data, generate ideas, and draw logical conclusions based on the facts if they are to progress in the ever more competitive international marketplace.

Decisions concerning pollution, nuclear power, toxic waste disposal, food additives, genetic engineering, population control, sewage treatment and the greenhouse effect will have to be made by enlightened citizens in a rational manner.

To this end, the science curriculum at Fairhaven High School is designed to:
  • Develop within students the ability to inquire, gather data, and draw conclusions
  • Help students understand the major "laws of nature" and their applications
  • Teach students the skills necessary to think critically in order to evaluate the quality of data available
  • Provide students with a broad background in the natural sciences

Natural and Physical Sciences Elective Courses

Additional Course Offerings

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